Hellou there!
My name is Niina and I am a married mother with a big interest in dolls. It has been like that since 2007, since I first bought a magazine just about dolls. In there I found a links to doll shops and for about four years later I ordered my first doll. She arrived some months later and it was my longest wait.
In the beginning I did share, occasionally, photos of my dolls on my blogs (one in every language), but it was in 2015 I decided to make a blog just about my dolls and add ordinary life to it, instead of the opposite. It was the same when it came to Instagram and Twitter. I was "known" as MrsHoffstedt (FruHoffstedt in Swedish) or Niinuska. The first one(s) I got from relatives, after getting married. The third one is a name my big brother gave me when I was a little girl.
I am a Bachelor of Theology and I was very near to get a Master of Theology, but life wanted otherwise. I have just one essay (big one though) left and one day I will write that too. But until then, I need to take care of myself and get my strength back. Have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety in 2014 and some things must take time to heal. I have worked at the local church as a leader for the catechists / confirmands. Since 1997 I have been a diabetic, but amazingly I feel much better after that diagnosis than before it. Food, strict controls and otherwise a healthier life may be the reason - who knows.
I was born in Finland, in a town called Lappeenranta (Willmanstrand) and my parents decided to move to Sweden in the beginning of 1972. Since then I have been living in Sweden, but as a Finnish citizen. At the moment I am a stay-at-home-mother and most of my time I take care of the family / household and enjoy my hobbies - Ball jointed dolls, filateli, people, to paint, read and watch movies. I even love to write letters, cook, bake, watch hockey and take road trips. And politics gets me going...
Under the label Meme, you can find out more about me, myself and I and the dolls.