Sitting in the armchair I decided to check my e-mail and found out that Alejandra at Fantasy woods had tagged me in an award. So, I thought that this is a good way to start this years blogging. I'm glad for this award and hope that this will be a nice post for you to read. Thank you Alejandra!
Some rules:
1. Thank the person who presented you the award and link back to their blog.
2. Post the award image on your blog.
3. Answer 11 questions posted by the presenter.
4. Nominate 5-11 blogs with less than 200 followers.
5. Create 11 questions for the nominees to answer.
6. List these rules in your post.
7. Inform the people you chose of their nomination by leaving a comment on their blog and link them your post.
The questions Alejandra sent me:
1. What’s the thing you love the most about blogging?
In some way it is a way to connect with others. You find people that are almost like you. And it is a way to express, write and share.
2. What’s the thing you love the most about your dolls/figures?
Ever since I was little I had a thing for anything and everything cute. Then it was Hello Kitty, Monchichi and other things kawaii, Barbie, Sindy and pens, paper and erasers. With some saved money I bought these things or wished for it for my birthday or for Christmas. There was always fabrics, scissors and thread available at my grandmother's cousin. I could create things for my dolls and figures, in this case my Barbie, Sindy and Monchichi. Oh, they were so hip. And this is the one thing I love with my dolls - bad and monster high, that I can make them mine. Design clothes for them, create a personality and let them live it for the fullest. Then I love to take pictures too!
3. Is there anything you always wanted to do with your dolls but never dared to?
I would like to buy a doll from scratch - one that I can restring, do a face-up, make a wig and make clothes. That is something I want to do and a way to practice is on the monster high dolls I have. So, one day!
4. Are you working on something for your dolls/figures at the moment?
No, not so much at the moment. The weather over here is cold, snowy and to much humid. So I can not spray, do custom make up and at -20 degrees it is hard to take photos outdoors. I have some plans to make new clothes though. At the moment my dolls are sitting nearby my working station and they keep me good company.
5. Have any of your friends/family joined the hobby because they got to know it through you?
No, but they all support me and show their interest when I start to talk about dolls - new or old ones. My oldest daughter had a time when she looked at dolls (bjd) and had plans to start, but she felt that she could not really connect in the way she wanted. She ordered some shoes and a wig, though, and gave them to me. The day she changes her mind, the shoes and the wig will be there for her doll. My youngest daughter have her monster high doll collection.
6. Is there something or someone in particular that inspires your aesthetics, background stories, etc?
Mostly my fantasy and things I see and feel. It can be another doll collector, a photographer, a story I read, a movie I saw.
7. Do you share your doll or doll photos with people outside the hobby?
Yes, I do. I have a Flickr account where I share my photos of my dolls and when people visit us they can see all the dolls I have, because they all are openly displayed. Or when I visit some relatives I have a doll with me that I put somewhere nice to be seen. I know that some people can feel that dolls are scary and awkward, so those places I try do avoid bringing a doll along. Don't want to spook them.
8. Is any of your dolls based on yourself or a person you know?
No, not really. There is a bit of me in every doll because I have created the personalities. A little piece of my nationality, my taste in food, music or other genres.
9. Do you have a favorite doll/figure from another persons collection? Would you own the same doll/figure?
There is a other collector who owns a LUTS doll, a Delf MIYU with sparkling blue eyes, rainbow colored hair and pastel kawaii clothes. The doll is beautiful and I would be happy to own a doll like that.
10. Three things you like about yourself?
I'm nice, I can cook...aa..and that sounds rather dull. The things I have heard others say about me is that I'm trustworthy, calm and have a crazy sense of humor. But the things I like about myself is that the older I get, the more self-esteem I get, the more self-confident I get (not in a bad way, being all stupid and "I-know-better-than-you-kind-a-way") and these two things makes me grow and be a better person. Not that I always succeed having a Finnish temper, but I am so much calmer now.
11. Anything you have learned in this hobby you wish you knew before joining?
That it is addictive! Hahaha!
And my questions for you are:
1. What is the last picture you took with your phone or camera?
2. Best compliment you have received?
3. What are your plans for your doll(s) this year? New wigs, clothes, new dolls?
4. What is your perfect pizza?
5. Which doll would you get if you could, not matter what? Why?
6. What kind of music do you listen to?
7. What cheers you up?
8. What is your favorite word and why?
9. Have you ever felt that your hobby is too much and that you do not connect well with your dolls?
10. You are going for a trip, a week long, and you can only take ONE doll with you. Which one and why?
11. What's your earliest childhood memory?
And I would love to give this award to (and have you already received it from elsewhere, that is OK - just send me a smile and be happy!):
Such lovely answers, thanks for doing it! I specially love the one about yourself. I think my self steem also grows the older I get and that is amazing. I used to be so awkward ahaha
ReplyDeleteIt's great that you can show your dolls around and bring them to other places for people to see!! You are surrounded by very nice people and that is so good :)!
I think no one is ever prepared to how addictive this hobby can be. I used to say I would be happy to own just one doll but that was impossible haha there's always something we can get
Thank you, Alejandra - it was a fun thing to do!
DeleteIt is amazing how one learns more about oneself while growing older. I was rather strange as a young one. I had opinions, but was not so sure about myself and if these opinions could hold.
I have been in the dollworld, with bjd's, a long time at still I am amazed by the "madness" and "mean-things" that I have seen, read but gladly not experienced yet. The people around me see that I can use my dolls for photos and other things, as they use their hobbies - so there is no big difference. Really.
My thought was also to just get one bjd and focus on her. But then she looked alone, I got her a friend and then I fell for my third doll and now I am looking for a fourth one. And my Monster High collection for repaints are growing. Gosh! But it is fun! And I LOVE it! :)
I liked reading your questions, and thanks for the tag! :) I also openly display my dolls, and I take them all over with me! I even travel with them, lol! XD I like seeing the progression of the questions too! <3
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome! Look forward to reading your entry! <3 I liked this award, it was a bit different from the others just because one can change the questions. :)
DeleteI always have a doll, size depending on the trip, with me. You never know when the opportunity comes to take photos and I don't want to think "oh my, if I only had a doll along"!
Thank you for the tag, I had time to do it yesterday but I had to post some information for those who I tagged today. :D Not much time before going to work.. ^^;
ReplyDeleteI especially liked your answer to #10, I've always thought I wouldn't want to be any younger, I like the self esteem I've grown in these past years. :) I'm glad there is someone else like that here.
You are so welcome, glad that you participated. I will visit you and read your answers soon! :)
DeleteFor some (or many) years ago I felt that 23 years old was the perfect age. But no, not now. I feel more "been there, done that" and I am ready for some new adventures suited for my age. One can still have fun and learn a lot and do some growing. When I was young there was no problems (got some surprises, though) but today I know that there will come bumps, but those bumps are there for a reason and I can handle it and grow from the experience. And that is a good feeling.
Hello Niina!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad Alejandra awarded you, otherwise I would never have found you. I really enjoyed reading your answers and getting to know you better. Particularly impressed with answer 10 and had a giggle about 11 - don't we all wish that one!
Hugs from downunder,
Hello and thanks for your comment, Xanadu! Welcome to my blog! These awards are a great way to find new people in the doll world and I'm glad about that! :D I will visit you and get to know you a little bit more! Hope that the year 2016 will be a good one for you!
DeleteOh! Such nice answers :D
ReplyDeleteI hope you don't mind me joining the fun? I also found your blog through Alejandra ^^
I so agree with your last answer XD' it really is addictive!
Hej Kirstine! Thanks for your visit and comment! Great that you want to join the fun! Will visit you and see what questions and answers you have! :) Have a wonderful day!