I found this at ”Crystal.P!nk” and thought that it was a wonderful meme. It gives a chance to learn something new about me. If you take the meme (I hope you do), let me know - I wanna read it. I have mixed characteristics and things that I am interested in, in my answers.
Arachnophobic - What is normal with eight legs? Nothing. And they run so fast and you can hear the bigger ones legs scratch the floor, wall and roof when they run. The tiny ones I can handle, but the bigger ones - no way. When a spider is on me, I look like a wind mill in a storm.
Baker - Cakes and cookies! Pies! Yummy, love to make them and especially eat them!
Candy lover - This is something that does not work with the next thing on this meme. But thankfully there is some alternatives, those without sugar.
Diabetic - I got diabetes in 1997 and it changed my life, to the better. I had been so sick for a long time, with aches and I had been tired. Nothing helped even if doctors searched for a reason for me being ill. Until one doctor made some tests. I got medication and are doing well today. I have my ups and downs, but mostly I’m doing good.
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Esther sitting at my mother-in-law's place. |
Esther - and her dolly friends give me joy and make me happy. I have been in this hobby since 2011, when Esther arrived and four-five years before that, when I started to look for my first BJD.
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Thankful! |
Family - My own family is two daughters (born 2000 and 2002), my hubby and mother-in-law. They are very important to me and support me in all kinds of situations. I would not be the one I am today, without them.
Goofy - The figure from Disney, Goofy, is my favorite and sometimes I feel like him. I like to joke around, tell something crazy in a way that people almost believe me and even at times scare people. Not always appreciated. But our youngest said often ”again, again” when I scared her.
Happy - Deep, deep down I am happy and feel like a lucky lady. But since some years back I have been depressed with anxiety. It has made me different, but not only in a bad way. I have found deeper meaning with life, feelings and what I think is important. I do not take anything for granted and focus on the good things around me. And if something is hard, I have learned to put it aside and even ask for help when needed. I take it step by step, day by day.
Ice hockey - A good game with the favorite team "Leijonat" or a rough game in the NHL (Coyotes, Bruins, Ducks…), KHL or at some times SHL can really give energy.
Jittery - My anxiety can make me really nervous or unable to relax. Especially when it comes to situations I can not control or a change of location.
Karelian - I have my roots in South Karelia, a popular tourist area in Finland with the Lake Saimaa, the border and cultural heritage and history. I was born in Lappeenranta, one of the municipalities. My grandparents (my father’s parents) lived nearby the border, in Nuijamaa. On one of the smaller roads, between Finland and Russia stood guards and I loved to watch them change shifts. My grandmother washed the carpets and rugs in the Nuijamaa lake with soft soap while I looked at the timber boats coming through from the canal or sunbathed on the small 'beach'. And I am still a Finnish citizen. It is a big part of me.
Letters - I have had over 60 pen pals and wrote to them all by hand. Some even with painted borders on the stationary. Today I do not have so many, just a few that I have bounded with. There is something great with this so called old way to connect. What a joy to get a letter, long or short, from a friend.
Movies - To watch a movie is something I love to do. Mostly drama, thriller, horror and movies based on real happenings.
Nature - Sea side, the ocean, the forest, the gravel road, the air. No need to say more. I am so relaxed and feel good when I can feel and see the nature. I am not so much for the living in tents and so, but being out for a while gives me energy.
Owls - What is that? Do you hear it? Is it a cat, dog, fox…? No it was four baby owls, tawny owls. They were all so fluffy and cute. They lived in the nearby trees to our cottage and it was a thing to see and every year these owls return and with new babies. I enjoy to listen to them ”talk” and sometimes I can be lucky to see them too. The first year one sat on the roof.
Photography - I got my first camera from my grandmother (mother’s mother) and had fun to learn to take photos. The first photos had not so much of focus and the right light, but I learned along the way. Today I mostly use my iPhone, I have it always with me and you never know when you want to take some nice photos. I have a olloclip too and now I am dreaming of some camera lenses for the iPhone, so that I can zoom better.
Quizzes - A fun waste of time, to click some questions and find out that you are Hamlet, the movie ”To Kill a Mockingbird”, the color blue and a poet deep down.
Reader - I love books! Read mostly detective stories, cooking books or literature connected to my studies. Lately I have started to read fantasy and biographical books.
Sewing - I was rather young when I started to do cross stitch and my father learned me to crochet and knit. My grandmother’s (mother’s mother) cousin Helli gave me a lot of fabrics, thread and I could borrow her scissors. And it started like that, making clothes for Barbie in her hallway, with my dog Ruff as company.
Thunderstorms - When a thunderstorm is heading our way, I go out and try to get so close as I can to enjoy the hard wind, rain, the lightning and thunder. At our cottage, the storms can be really bad - it gets dark, trees get hit and it is almost like all h… breaks loose!
Upstanding - As everyone else, I do my best in being of good character and straightforward, in the nicest way. But I have to be honest and say that this does not always work, especially when I feel stressed.
Vocal - For a long, long time ago I was politically active and expressed my feelings and thoughts about how we treat our elderly, our future (the children), the environment and culture. I was not loud, but I could be rather resolute in my opinions. I still have my opinions, even if I am not politically active at the moment.
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At the Boön. Baltic Sea and my hubby. |
Water - There is something deep and relaxing to stand on a beach, ocean or near a smaller lake. I can breathe and it does not matter at all what kind of weather.
Xenodochial - When we are young, it is easy to make friends. "Hey, wanna play?" could start a fun day with play and games. But today, as an adult it is a lot more difficult and even if you want to, you can't just say "Hello, wanna be friends?" to a stranger. Sadly. I have (maybe had) no difficulties with talking to strangers on the bus, in the shop or just on the street.
Yon - Sometimes I can be distant even if I am within sight. I have a tendency to close down and as I say to the family - ”I’m not here”. This happens if I’m focused on something - when I read, study, sew and so on.
Zodiac - born in October, being a true Libra and born on the year of the boar.
Hey this was a great meme. I've never seen it before. Might have to try my hands on it too.
ReplyDeleteIt was really great getting to know you better <3 :)
Yes it was a fun and great meme! Hope you try it too, so that I can read and get to know you better too! :) <3 Some letters was a bit hard to figure out, lol! :D
DeleteOh this is great! How wonderful to read so many new things about you! Oh wow, how fantastic it is to see and hear the owls! THat's something I'd want to see someday. :) And I hear you with the difficulty to talk to strangers, oddly people many times come and talk to me even if I just want to be left alone. ^^; I gave out some sets of papers and envelopes, as I don't have penpals anymore, I think Sweden isn't so far away so I could send some for you if you want to have them (DM me at Instagram). ^^ It's great to send them to people who appreciate hand writing. :) I will definitely try to do this meme later on, now I'll have to go to sleep!
ReplyDeleteThanks Xaya, I hope you slept well! It is in some way hard to tell something new about oneself, so this meme was a great opening and made me think. Look forward to read your meme!
DeleteI know! I often choose a place there I know that I really can be alone, with no risk to meet too talkative persons! But sometimes even others find my place, maybe there is some meaning with this meets, who knows.
There are even boars, squirrels, foxes and other animals nearby our cottage. Once there was a wolf too - poor thing was sick and alone.
I would love, love, love if you would send me some papers and envelopes! Thank you so much, I will DM you at Instagram. <3 :D
Oh wow, this is an interesting meme! I always love reading more about the bloggers behind the dolls, so this is fantastic. :)
ReplyDeleteI agree, it was an interesting meme - had to do it. :D And it is a fun way to learn more about each other!
DeleteI loved reading this over Crystal's blog and I'm so happy more people are doing it!!I might give it a try, though I'm scared by some letters haha, hope I can find something for each one!
ReplyDeleteHaha, I got some trouble with some letters - especially X and Y! :D Hope that you do it and if you get stuck, take a break and do something else - it worked for me. :)
DeleteWoo! I'm glad to see others doing the meme! :D It's fun to get to know more about the collectors, and your answers were all really interesting!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing the meme! There's always something new to learn about each other! :D
DeleteWhat a thoroughly enjoyable read Niina, I can relate to so many of your answers. I do like memes, especially when someone else is doing them, they are always interesting to read. :) Maybe one day, I will get round to doing this one too, but not this week.
ReplyDeleteSending you big hugs,
Thank you! I agree, memes are always interesting to read! :) Hope you get some time to do this one! Hugs!
DeleteWow, this meme is quite hard to do and very interesting!
ReplyDeleteI also love water - especially the sound of falling rain - there's something so very soothing about that.
Some letters can be difficult, especially when you want to describe yourself.
DeleteOur oldest daughter loves rain. It's her favorite weather. Here at the cottage it is extra lovely. The cottage has a tin roof, so the rain drops sound a bit more than normally. That sounds nice and calming.