21 August 2015

Next project

It is sweaty and warm over here in our kitchen. I have the windows open in every room and just hope that some soft wind will breeze my way. I have heard that it will be like this for the rest of the week. Hooray for them who like this, I do not. Gladly a more suitable season is heading our way - Autumn. Just love Autumn.

We left the cottage and the summer vacation some days ago and it was with a heavy heart we did that. The season that is coming now, is the best one. Seeing the nature change from green to all kind of colors and feel the crisp in the air. Hope to be able to take a trip later, when the girls have a week off from school in late October. 
Three helpless, scary mummies.
Howdy! We are next!
During the summer I have mostly been taking care of my BJD's. My Monster High collection have grown with two dolls and I they will be my next project in repaint. Bought those two at a local store for just 99SEK (around 10-11 USD), so I was really happy. At the moment I have three dolls, two Ever After High and one Monster High that have been just lying in a bag, looking like scared mummies. Need to help them first. So that will be my next project, after ordering some Super Clear UV cut-thing. Look forward to that. 

Hope you had a good summer! What's your plans for the lovely Autumn?


  1. You can't wait for autumn and I can't wait for spring!! hehe well I really want summer,. but I'll be happy when september ends and the sun starts rising more and more on this side of the planet, since I have some face ups to do and I need good weather.

    I hope you get to repaint your MH soon, I want to see that :D

    1. I talked to my hubby today about good weather and doing face ups, said that I need to hurry before the too cold weather hits us in November, after that I can not spray or dry any dolls at all! He said that we better hurry up then! :D And filled in with "but you can still take photos - snowy beautiful photos with you dolls in it.

      I hope so too, I will order some supplies tomorrow and find my pens in the packing. It is amazing how much things one carry around when it comes to art and dolls, when going on vacation. Have not packed up all things yet after coming home....oh my. :)

  2. Ok...and now I'm excited, as I didn't know the Monster High and the Ever After were BJD. I might actually be able to get one sooner than expected. :) I cannot wait to see the finished repaints - I know that they will look absolutely gorgeous. Also, like you, I cannot wait for Autumn - the colors, the activities, the food - I don't think I dislike anything about it.

    1. I was exited too, that they are in a way like BJD. I told my youngest daughter this when I bought my first BJD Esther (a Narsha) from Dollmore and said that she could start there. She has her collection of her own with Draculaura, Frankie Stein and Elisabat. Thanks for believing in me and the repaints. And there is not deny bad things with Autumn - no bugs over here. :)

  3. You have a cute MH collection, I want to grow mine as well. Autumn is love!

    1. Thanks! Hope that you can grow your collection too. And I agree - Autumn is love!


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