10 May 2015

Patterns, patterns, patterns.....

Apple White and some patterns
Patterns. It is not so simple. The sizes on my Dollmore Narsha dolls are in a way "difficult" and I am not the only one thinking so. For me they have the perfect size as dolls but when it comes to patterns - this size is almost like a curse. And to find other doll clothes that fit the Narsha dolls are as difficult as finding patterns. So far I have bought clothes from Dollmore and made some easy peasy tights and t-shirts to them. But if I want to make something extra...well, then I meet the trouble with too tiny or too big patterns. I am not so good at making own patterns, but I have seen some videos and tutorials about that, so maybe I will learn. One day. 

During the years I have been in this hobby, I have found out that Tildas World and the dolls she has made - those clothes patterns can work. To stitch or to crochet is no trouble at all, those sizes is just to measure and make. And that works even with clothes made from socks. The last days I have been on the internet and searched for patterns for clothes for my dolls.

Pinterest is a lovely place. I have been there almost daily searching for goodies, free or for payment. A new world has opened for me and my dolls. New patterns, new ideas and even new brands when it comes to dolls. An amazing feeling! Printed out some of the free patterns and saved the links to different shops on Etsy and other places for future reference. 

And I have a new sewing machine that I bought from IKEA. There is hope for a summer with lots of sewing and making cute things for the dolls. I even found patterns small enough for Monster high and Ever After high dolls.

And Happy Mother's Day!


  1. I have never used a pattern before! I need to give it a try one of these days!

  2. I need patterns! I am totally lost without! :) Some simple things may work, but otherwise....


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