14 August 2017

Suvi and Kielo

On a sunny day in Jakobstorp, a little village in the middle of nowhere...

These two are so much fun to have a photoshoot with. It is the last day at the cottage and I took some photos of my Pureneemo's and it all ended up in this little comic. Hope that you enjoyed it! Tomorrow (later today, after a good night sleep) we will travel back home to reality and at the moment I do not look forward to it. Summer has gone by so fast and I would love to enjoy it a bit more. Hope that you are doing well! Happy new week!


  1. Reality is so overrated! Wish we could dream all day long, every day.

    This comic was great, the girls are so adorable especially at the end when you made them hug and make up!

    Hope you are enjoying your week too!

    1. Oh, I could not agree more! We did not want to leave the cottage and the magical surroundings. It felt so sad, but now we have some good memories to cherish and dream about.

      Thank you! It was fun to make and the rest of the family had fun watching me pose Suvi and Kielo. We got some giggles :D

      The trip home went well and soon a new day is here. The first day at school for the kids. Wishing for a calm and nice week!

  2. Can't believe summer is ending over there!!! And finally I will have the sun, I'm excited but I also feel bad you won't get to enjoy it as much.
    These photos turned out so funny!! love all the poses!! You are so good at it!

    1. Yes, summer is ending over here. It can be rather cold during the night. This morning we had just about +8 degrees and mostly it was around +20 degrees. The leaves, mostly birch, are changing colors from green to yellow. And finally you will have the sun (and some castles) to enjoy! :D

      Thank you so much! I wanted to try to pose them a bit different this time and used some sticks and stuff I found in our garden, for support. Did not want these to show in the photos either, so it was important to get the angle right too! Some tests, some crawling in the grass and quick decisions. It was fun, learned some and next time I may learn some more... :D

  3. Hi Niina!
    Great photo story! You not so good news regarding the summer ending means it's on it's way to us and that makes me sooo happy, I am fed up with all this cold!

    Hope you are enjoying your time at home now the kids are back at school. :)

    1. Hello and thank you!
      Yes, the summer is slowly ending here and colder days are ahead for us. The last night at the cottage was really cold, dreamed about warm socks! :D
      First day went fine for the kids at school. It felt strange, they are so big now studying theatre (younger daughter) and society (older daughter). This week will be a week for getting settled. :)
      Hugs! <3

  4. What a cute, little photostory! It's good that you got them to be friends again in the end. :D
    The last photo is my favourite - it has some nice colours. Also, I love how bright blue eyes both of your girls have. So cute! ♥

    1. Thank you so much, these two sure are cute with their blur eyes and opposite attitude. :D
      The last photo has the last flowers in our garden (mostly natures own blooming) and Autumns first leaves and berries. Glad that you liked it! <3

  5. Awwww these two are so cute!! I love the story and the photos you took! And they both are adorable!

    1. Thank you so much, Musume! I really do love these two, they go so well together and I think that I have found their personalities through this photo shoot! :)

  6. Oh they are so cute! ^__^ Thank you for the little comic, I enjoyed it a lot. <3

    1. Ah, I'm glad you enjoyed this little comic. :) These two are so cute!


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